互联网文化新闻网 geekosystem.com 详细资料

互联网文化新闻网 geekosystem.com

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互联网文化新闻网是一个致力于互联网生活中所遇到的各种问题和事件的新闻网站,分享计算机爱好者们在生活中遇到的各种有关于技术、娱乐、科学、怪异的新闻,让你充分的了解世界上计算机爱好者们的极致生活。网站为读者提供的是一个独特的视角来看待网络文化的发展,它融合了科技产品和日常生活之间的碰撞,该网站的编辑们采用诙谐搞笑的模式来为读者呈现一个技术渗入到生活中各个角落,并对生活有极大的影响力。The mission of is to unite all the tribes of geekdom under one common banner. There’s a lot of overlap between the different families of geekery: The geeks who are into gadgets and computers are often one and the same as the geeks who are into comics and sci-fi are often just the same as the geeks who are fueling the culture of the Web — one forum or imageboard at a time. As the site’s name suggests, recognizes and celebrates these interconnections and the oft-overlooked personalities that hold it all together.


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