数字科技新闻及评论网 digitaltrends.com 详细资料

数字科技新闻及评论网 digitaltrends.com

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数字科技新闻及评论网是一个新兴的科技新闻评论站点,介绍世界上Zhui新的科技发展趋势和产品推荐,针对科技产品进行评论和分析未来的发展趋势,所涉及的主题有手机、汽车、电脑、电视、游戏等。网站的创办者们为了帮助读者读懂一个日益数字化的科技世界,通过他们专业的眼光来评测数字产品,例如哪些笔记本电脑物美价廉,哪些数码相机值得购买等等,因为无所不在的集成技术开始步入我们的日常生活,很多时候让人们摸不着头脑,这时候就需要那些极客们帮助读者来做出选择了。We are here to help you navigate an increasingly digital world. We are writers and editors who are the most likely within our social circles to be asked the question, "Which phone/TV/computer should I buy?" We are providers of trustworthy and unbiased product reviews written in plain English, as well as timely and entertaining coverage of the way tech is changing our lives. We are engineers, sales, and marketing specialists who provide unique solutions to our advertising partners. And we are big: 20 million monthly unique visitors and growing every month — and that's before you get to our syndicated network featuring some of the biggest destinations on the web.Digital Trends believes that the ubiquitous integration of technology into our everyday lives is both immensely empowering and often confounding, and we resolve to help our audience make informed decisions that allow them to maximize its potential. We promise to never assume that you know what OLED or CPU stands for, nor will we underestimate the value of your take on, or expectation of, technology.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(38.8%)
2  India(11.3%)
3  United Kingdom(4.7%)
4  Canada(3.7%)
5  Australia(2.0%)

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