基于互联网的新闻聚合平台 iknow.io 详细资料

基于互联网的新闻聚合平台 iknow.io

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基于互联网的新闻聚合平台是一个基于互联网的数据筛选推荐式新闻网站,主要帮助用户筛选互联网中的海量新闻,推荐有关于电影、音乐、经济、政治等新闻资源,通过特定的数据分析工具来推荐Zhui佳的内容资源。目前 仅支持美国国会新闻和NBA体育新闻,其他内容资源正在完善中,注册登录后用户可以订阅热门的主题内容,Zhui低必须订阅5个主题,Zhui重要的是注册用户可以提交你喜欢的内容,例如Youtub视频网站上的热门视频,音乐视频等资源,分享给更多的用户去分享。 is a data-driven knowledge sharing community for curious people.We take raw data about Movies, Music, Sports, Economics, Politics and more and make it possible for people (that aren't scientists or programmers) to analyze and extract useful information from it. We are also a community where you can share insights with others and learn from one another.An insight is a set of results and visualizations created using our data analysis tools. It could be anything from a comparison of two actors and the revenues of the movies that they starred in, to a list of all the congress people that sponsored legislation of a certain type.When an member finds something that they think is interesting, they can save their work as an insight. Doing this lets other people view it, discuss it, like it and share it. We encourage you to create insights so we can all enjoy the fascinating things that you discover using our data and tools. Don't be shy, get in the game.


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1  United States(100.0%)

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网站常用标签 ellie schwimmer iknow.io john t. melick c2fo crunchbase

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