实时新闻高清图片分享网 totallycoolpix.com 详细资料

实时新闻高清图片分享网 totallycoolpix.com

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实时新闻高清图片分享网是一个很有料的专业图片资源博客网站,提供网络热点图片、实时新闻图片、体育赛事图片等相关的高清图片内容,喜欢高清大图的用户千万不要错过。博客据说是和路透社合作,卖出来图片的转载权,要知道这些图片都是专业的玩命记者拍的,很有收藏价值,这在网易、新浪等门户里是很难看到的。进入网站后,你就会看多很多高清晰的大图,搭配简单的内容简介,点击栏目标题你就可以进入文章内容页,会看到整个系列的套图。TotallyCoolPix.com published it’s first topic on January 21st 2010. It was the Haiti earthquake. We started this project to broaden our field of vision in the blogging business. What started as a fun side project with around 4 posts per month soon became an obsession.After a great response to the topics by the general internet public we took the step and signed a contract with Reuters for use of their images. We were released from image constraints and could post what we could find. We haven’t looked back since and have grown and grown. In posts per month, visitors and fans. Thank you.To give something back we created the In The Picture category, which gives photgraphers with a passion the opportunity to showcase their work to thousands around the globe.And now, in April 2011, we’ve taken another big step forward, a new website design. TotallyCoolPix v2.0 has arrived and we hope you like it.


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1  France(18.7%)
2  United States(15.2%)
3  Netherlands(10.2%)
4  Turkey(3.1%)
5  Russia(2.5%)

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网站常用标签 cool pictures cool pics cool pic cool picture totally cool pix

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