在线邮件加密服务平台 详细资料


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在线邮件加密服务平台由前 NSA 的安全技术人员 Will Ackerly 创立的,提供邮件加密服务,目前它支持 Gmail 和 Outlook 等邮件服务,帮助用户解决因邮件泄密而引起的网络安全。使用方法很简单只要装好一 Chrome 插件并在诸如 Gmail 等邮件服务启用,在发送邮件时就能用 给邮件加密,并对邮件内容做额外安全限制,比如禁止转发和设定内容过期时间。没有装 的收件人可直接通过点击链入 来在线浏览邮件内容。一方面是网络承载的个人数据越来越多,另一方面是信息泄露案例也在变多。普通公众的信息安全意识也在觉醒。这也使得信息安全不再是企业级市场的需求了,个人消费领域也有很大空间。veryone has a right to keep their digital content private and secure. We founded because we believe that exercising that right should be easy and convenient.With , you can choose when to keep your digital content private and secure even after it’s shared online. Manage and revoke access to emails, photos, files and other content at any time, right from within your favorite programs like Gmail, Outlook, and Mac Mail on your desktop or smartphone.The TDF is an open standard for securing content of all kinds. gives everyone the power of the TDF by integrating it with the tools you use every day, like Gmail and Outlook.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(63.9%)
2  India(5.7%)
3  Canada(1.8%)

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网站常用标签 virtru virtru dashboard is gmail hipaa compliant

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 新泽西州Linode公司

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