免费漫画分享社区 comicbookrealm.com 详细资料

免费漫画分享社区 comicbookrealm.com

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免费漫画分享社区是一个狂热的漫画爱好者创办的漫画分享社区,这里汇集了漫画创作者和漫画爱好者,他们分享免费的可读漫画,提供海量的在线漫画,支持在线阅读和下载。漫画的创建人开始只是一个漫画收藏爱好者而已,他的妻子有一天问他你收藏这么多漫画做什么?好像一个永远长不大的孩子,一个成家的人就面临养家糊口,于是他就把他的漫画做了一个基于漫画分享的论坛,慢慢的发展成了一个拥有数万名的注册用户,随着而在漫画粉丝群中流行。ComicBookRealm.com initially started out as MyComicPile.com. One day on a trip from college back home with my future wife she asked me what I liked to do as a kid/teenager. Little did she know that one question would alter the course of our family.After telling her about my comic collecting that I eventually grew out of and got rid of my collection, all of my memories came rushing back. I soon went to eBay and found some of those comics that had meaningful memories for me...like the Death of Superman (what got me started the first time). Eventually I had several boxes of comics and you could find them just about everywhere.One day she asked me what I was going to do with the comic books and if they were catalogued for insurance purposes. With that I decided to find an online tracking community that could take care of my needs. Unfortunately at the time there was really only 1 "good" site but it was (and still is) expensive. There were (are still are) several limitations to what they provide.Since my day job is programming I decided to build me a simple tracking site that I could access from anywhere. I happened to mention it to a friend at work who asked if he could use it. With a few modifications MyComicPile.com was


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