美国国际法学会 asil.org 详细资料

美国国际法学会 asil.org

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美国国际法学会是一个成立于1906年的国际法领域的学术机构,旨在促进国际法的研究并促进建立和维护国际关系的基础上拓展国际法律和维持正义。美国国际法学会主要数据库有:“美国国际法学会出版物数据库”和“国际经济法基础文献数据库”。文献类型有条约、报告、案例、图书、论文等。一个多世纪以来所出版的出版物影响了很多个国际的法律。Since its founding in 1906, the American Society of International (ASIL) has been the pre-eminent scholarly society in the international law field. For more than a century, its publications, conferences, and research and educational programs have advanced the study and use of international law as a cornerstone of a just and peaceful world.The Society was a product of the American peace movement of the late 19th Century and the conviction of a number of leading international lawyers that international disputes should be resolved through formal dispute settlement mechanisms rather than war.Starting in 1895, members of the American foreign policy establishment began meeting annually at Lake Mohonk in upstate New York to discuss these ideas, and at the 11th Mohonk conference in 1905, the idea of a permanent society and journal of international law was born.A committee was established to develop the concept, and at a meeting on January 12, 1906, in the offices of the Bar Association of the City of New York, the Constitution of the American Society of International Law was formally adopted.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(25.5%)
2  Netherlands(13.5%)
3  Australia(7.7%)

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网站常用标签 asil public international law ajil international commercial arbitration

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司

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