免费社会化媒体新闻订阅网 skimzee.com 详细资料

免费社会化媒体新闻订阅网 skimzee.com

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免费社会化媒体新闻订阅网是一个免费的在线新闻订阅和阅读的站点,提供国际知名的新闻媒体资源,Facebook、Twitter、YouTube和维基百科等海量新闻资源。在网络上对于新闻源站点有很多,RSS新闻源订阅平台也在不断的推出新的站点,是一个很简单的新闻资源在线阅读站点,每天世界上都有新闻事件发生,提供了互联网中知名的新闻媒体的订阅内容,例如BBC、路透社、福布斯新闻、赫芬顿邮报等主流媒体,你可以Skimzee平台获取每天重要新闻的第一手内容。Skimzee is a free web app that lets you summarize websites, search social media, show any feeds you want and lots lots more. It's a single place you can go to for searching the web, news sites, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia and viewing links in the results as easy-to-read concise summaries.Skimzee is a free web app that combines summarization technology, a social media search and a thorough web feed aggregation to deliver comprehensive results to your search query. It acts as the single point of contact for subject searching as well as the aggregation of all your favourite articles and lets you view each of them in a concise summary.You can search all your favorite social networking sites including Twitter and Facebook as well as general web pages, news sites, YouTube and Wikipedia. Just click on the "view summary" icon in any search result will give you a summary of the page for that link - all without having to navigate away from the Skimzee page. If a search result has an associated video or photo, you can view it right inside Skimzee and that means any pictures in Tweets or embedded photos or videos in Facebook posts. Skimzee also provides an easy-to use web feed aggregator -

内容提要: Search Feeds Twitter facebook Web News YouTube Wikipedia search for something to summarize or type a URL Latest stories facebook feed facebook ...


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