布罗恩全球艺术新闻网 blouinartinfo.com 详细资料

布罗恩全球艺术新闻网 blouinartinfo.com

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布罗恩全球艺术新闻网是一个国际性的艺术平台,提供新闻、艺术信息、艺术作品专家评论话题、艺术家介绍、艺术商务信息等资源,每天你都会发现全球艺术界内的新闻和艺术拍卖等等。网站发布了了15个国际版本,布鲁恩媒体拥有世界上Zhui全面的致力于艺术和文化资产组合-包罗万象的杂志,网站,指导书籍,艺术品价格的导游和艺术销售数据库,加上展览目录和图书出版公司。路易斯·布罗恩也导致了慈善文化的基础,非营利性机构,并举办一年一度的布罗恩创意领袖峰会。LOUISE BLOUIN MEDIA holds the world's most comprehensive portfolio of assets devoted to art and culture - encompassing magazines, websites, guide books, art price guides and art sales databases, plus an exhibition catalog and a book publishing company. Louise Blouin also leads a philanthropic cultural foundation, nonprofit institute and hosts the annual Blouin Creative Leadership Summit.Our mission is to provide unparalleled access to the world of art and culture — to inspire, educate and inform our readership. Our audience is comprised of tastemakers and influencers who are defined by their interest in and acquisition of art and their cultural habits — including art, film, luxury lifestyle, design and travel. Partnering across the globe with over 20,000 galleries, museums, auction houses, art biennials and fairs, Louise Blouin Media has the ability to provide our advertising partners with outstanding marketing opportunities.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(28.4%)
2  United Kingdom(7.5%)
3  India(7.3%)
4  Germany(7.2%)
5  Italy(5.7%)

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网站常用标签 modern painters artbo blouin art sales index artinfo best museum websites

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物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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