印度新闻娱乐网 pardaphash.com 详细资料

印度新闻娱乐网 pardaphash.com

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印度新闻娱乐网是印度知名的新闻门户网站之一,提供印地语和英语两个语言版本,主要发布印度本土新闻和本地娱乐新闻,总部位于新德里。新闻网提供了各类大事件与新闻的真实图像,主要栏目有国家新闻、商业新闻、政治新闻、奇闻、区域新闻、娱乐新闻、教育新闻、科技新闻等,足以覆盖印度各个领域发生的重大事件。 is a web based NEWS PORTAL in English & Hindi of Mahakaal News Management Pvt. Ltd. set up with an aim to provide news in its purest form to the judicious readers.The news published on the News Portal ranges from the ones which move the Nation to the ones which entertain an entire generation.Based out of Delhi, the News Portal presently caters to the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand as well as cover developments in India and rest of the world through its well established news network & sources.The highly competent editorial staff of works meticulously to ensure that the information being delivered to the readers is complete in all respects and presents the true picture of the various events and happenings.The sections that the News Portal carries are namely; National, World, Business, Politics, Odd, Regional, Entertainment, Education, Sports and Science & Technology; are substantial enough to contain all the daily developments in various spheres of the society.In keeping with the view that the people know best, the site also has a section on Blogs. This is the space where the readers of are free to present their candid views and invaluable opinions. is thus an attempt in building a better India with the indispe


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