印度托拉斯新闻通讯社 ptinews.com 详细资料

印度托拉斯新闻通讯社 ptinews.com

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印度托拉斯新闻通讯社是印度Zhui大的通讯社之一。其前身是1910年建立的印度联合新闻社。1919年成为路透社的附属机构。1947年印度独立后筹建,1948年正式成立。1949年2月正式发稿。印度报业托拉斯的总社设在孟买,新闻总编室在新德里,为半官方性质,在国内设有132个分社,并在北京、纽约、伦敦、莫斯科等地设有国外分社,在东京、华盛顿、波恩、维也纳、汉城、曼谷等城市设有兼职记者,员工约1500人,国内新闻稿订户450家,与新华社、路透社、法新社等100多家外国新闻机构签有新闻交流协议。印度报业托拉斯为亚通组织成员。Press Trust of India (PTI) is India’s premier news agency, having a reach as vast as the Indian Railways. It employs more than 400 journalists and 500 stringers to cover almost every district and small town in India. Collectively, they put out more than 2,000 stories and 200 photographs a day to feed the expansive appetite of the diverse subscribers, who include the mainstream media, the specialised presses, research groups, companies, and government and non-governmental organisations.PTI correspondents are also based in leading capitals and important business and administrative centres around the world. It also has exchange arrangements with several foreign news agencies to magnify its global news footprint.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  India(85.9%)
2  Bangladesh(5.4%)
3  China(4.0%)
4  Nepal(1.0%)
5  United States(0.8%)

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网站常用标签 pti gurgaon photo press trust of india pti pti photo pti bhasha

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