美国商业周刊经济新闻网 businessweek.com 详细资料

美国商业周刊经济新闻网 businessweek.com

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美国商业周刊经济新闻网是美国著名的商业经济刊物,为读者提供世界经贸、投资、金融、营销、科技和新兴产业、社会问题等方面的权威。全球销量第一之商业类杂志,也是全球Zhui大的商业杂志。美国商业周刊是全球销量第一的商业杂志,提供深入独到的见解和细致详尽的信息,帮助专业人士在商业、财务及事业发展方面作出更明智的决定。商业周刊是许多商业巨子的必读之物,它的读者群包括高层政府官员,以及制造业、通讯业、银行业、金融业的精英。通过《商业周刊》的报道,读者能掌握财经大事、金融趋势和预测、科技应用等的Zhui新动向。Businessweek was first published in September 1929, only weeks before that year's stock market crash. Its original purpose was to provide information and opinions as to what was happening in the business world at the time.The president of McGraw-Hill Publishing, Malcolm Muir stated, "The Business Week always has a point of view, and usually a strong opinion, both of which it does not hesitate to express. And all the way through, we hope you will discover it is possible to write sanely and intelligently of business without being pompous or ponderous.Initially, the magazine published sections that included topics such as marketing, labor, finance, and management, among others. Consequently, Businessweek pioneered the action of covering national political issues that directly impacted the business world. In 1950, the magazine published its first executive pay survey, which it still does today.[


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