赛事预测应用开发商 preplaysports.com 详细资料

赛事预测应用开发商 preplaysports.com

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赛事预测应用开发商是一家体育赛事预测应用开发商,PrePlay用户可通过玩社交游戏来预测电视直播节目的结果,可以让你一边看球一边在app里参与预测,互动度更强。公司成立于2010年,目前有两款游戏:PrePlay足球和莫尔森加拿大NHL(北美冰球联盟)PrePlay,这款游戏是由NHL授权并获得莫尔森赞助。PrePlay 会向提供赛事数据的公司购买实时数据,快速处理后在应用中显示玩家预测结果是否正确。与此同时引入社交元素使游戏更有趣,在 PrePlay 中可与朋友 PK 积分、比拼预测能力,还能同其他体育迷一起在线讨论赛事。PrePlay 现在共有 10 万注册用户,平台上共积累了 800 万份预测数据,之后它还会覆盖更多赛事类别。其CEO Andrew Daines是把PrePlay当做第二屏互动服务。同时,他们不仅限于体育比赛,PrePlay表示可将平台扩大到其他节目。PrePlay is the world's leading predictive game studio. We create mobile and tablet games designed and engineered to enhance the experience of watching sports, reality, talent, and award shows on TV. PrePlay users compete in worldwide social contests that involve predicting the outcomes of events they are watching unfold on live TV.PrePlay provides end-to-end solutions on all of its products; from design and development, all done in-house, to maintenance and full customer service and support. With offices in New York and Paris, PrePlay is an international game studio with an experienced team fully committed to bringing predictive games to TV viewers everywhere.


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