美国爱国者新闻网 patriotupdate.com 详细资料

美国爱国者新闻网 patriotupdate.com

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美国爱国者新闻网是一家美国新闻类网站,成立于2009年,是美国日常生活的主要新闻来源之一;和大多数的带有自由派倾向的主流媒体不同,Patriot Update为爱国的美国人及时准确地提供他们所关心的新闻。主流媒体到底有什么问题?新闻记者有权发表自己的政治观点,但不是抛弃准确和客观公正。Patriot Update立志不让任何一个人成为神,追求报道的准确性和客观性。Patriot Update, founded in 2009, is the leading news source for the everyday American. In response to the mainstream media’s dedication to poor journalism and the liberal agenda, Patriot Update provides timely, accurate news about what concerns patriotic Americans. In a striking exhibition of what is wrong with “mainstream journalism,” Newsweek editor Evan Thomas recently declared on MSNBC: “I mean, in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above — above the world, he’s sort of God.” Journalists are entitled to their political views, but not to abandon accuracy and objectivity. Patriot Update is determined not to let any men be thought of as God, and to champion accuracy and objectivity in reporting the facts.Patriot Update is also dedicated to the ideals of a free press, featuring headlines submitted by our readers as well as daily commentary provided by our editors and guest writers. Of particular note are the regular syndicated columns of well-known thinkers, including Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Norris, Dick Morris, Floyd Brown, and Michael Reagan.In our world of fast-paced and often sordid news, our team carefully finds and posts articles that are important to Americans and that meet our ideals of accura


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