智能旅游策划平台 dopplr.com 详细资料

智能旅游策划平台 dopplr.com

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智能旅游策划平台是一个社交化的旅游策划平台,Dopplr并非显示你去过哪些地方。它关注的是你正在前往的地方。不是让去过某地的人与没去过的互相联系,而是提供智能旅游策划工具。Dopplr让你把旅游计划私下分享到个人网络,查看他们某一时刻将在哪些地方。于是,当你在地球另一边时,也不会跟就在附近的好友擦肩而过。Dopplr原来只为某些跨国公司提供服务,现在已成为公共网站,但规定用户必须积极和定期地参与。尽管这样,该网站还是吸引了数百万的会员。Dopplr同时也有手机版本。Dopplr is a service for smart international travellers. Dopplr members share personal and business travel plans privately with their networks, and exchange tips on places to stay, eat and explore in cities around the world. Dopplr presents this collective intelligence - the travel patterns, tips and advice of the world’s most frequent travellers - as a Social Atlas. You can use Dopplr on a personal computer and a mobile phone.After a period of exclusive availability to selected global companies, Dopplr opened to world travellers everywhere in December 2007. Dopplr has offices in London’s “Silicon Roundabout” district, and on the Helsinki seaside.

内容提要: Published September 16, 2016September 16, 2016 by dopplr in legal questions Leave a commentArrested and Detained By Police: Your Rights Published ...
发表于9月16日,2016september 16、2016的法律问题commentarrested Dop...


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1  United States(52.5%)

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