日本动漫协会官网 aja.gr.jp 详细资料

日本动漫协会官网 aja.gr.jp

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日本动漫协会是一个由各家动画制作企业参与的行业组织,成立于2002年5月,致力于动画制作技术的开发、市场情报的收集与发布、著作权保护、人才培养以及动画作品附加价值的创造等。日本动画协会整合业界资源及思想,与海外行业不断进行交流,推动日本动画业持续发展。截至2011年4月,协会共有59间公司成为其会员,成员几乎囊括了现今日本所有知名动画制作机构,具有很大影响力。The Association of Japanese Animations () is the industry group, mainly consisted of animation productions companies, established along with the lunch of the intermediate corporation system in Japan in April 2002, and as of January 2007, 52 companies are affiliated with the . works on various issues surrounding the animation industry in which most members are small to medium sized enterprises. Nowadays the industry seriously concern the infringement of intellectual properties including the problem of pirates and illegal file exchanges on the Internet, which has become known with P2P. Besides, there are many other problems that should tackle such as improvement of production environment, cultivation of human resources, and overseas operations. makes every day effort in order to solve those difficult tasks.


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网站常用标签 日本動画協会 アニメ産業レポート レイアウト用紙 アニメセンター 動画協会

服务器信息 IP地址:

1 免费日本连载漫画网 mangareader.net

2 日本AmiaMi卡通人物模型官网 amiami.jp

3 在线云书签服务平台 holdoor.com

4 机动战士动漫官网 gundam-seed.net

5 哆啦A梦 dora-world.com

6 牧场物语动漫官网 bokumono.com

7 瑞士交通博物馆 verkehrshaus.ch

8 PM25.in pm25.in

9 俄罗斯旅游酒店预定网 oktogo.ru

10 名人物品拍卖网 bandpage.com

11 BT直播流媒体服务平台 live.bittorrent.com

12 网络犯罪数据分析平台 endgame.com

13 捞3D三维资源分享网 lao3d.com

14 语美化妆公开课 yumei.me

15 社会化社交视频网 waywire.com

16 热门视频娱乐网 fancaster.com

17 法国大都市女性杂志 bibamagazine.fr

18 日本秀嫒尚时尚杂志 anecan.tv

19 日本25ans现代女性生活杂志 25ans.jp

20 ViVi杂志 vivi.tv

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 动漫行业新闻资讯网 Animenewsnetwork.com

24 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

25 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

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