办公室租赁搜索引擎 42floors.com 详细资料

办公室租赁搜索引擎 42floors.com

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办公室租赁搜索引擎是一个专注于提供企业办公室租赁的搜索业务网站,帮助不同规模的公司找到合适的办公场所的网站,发布方和需求方可以在该网站上发布和搜索信息。用户可以在网站上根据所需的办公场地类型,比如说是合租还是单组、大概需求的尺寸、价位以及所处地理位置等条件,来筛选出合适的结果。尽管网站主要将多个商业地产商的房屋信息聚合,但是他们会有专业的摄影师挨家挨户上门拍照录影,把一线的房屋资讯带给用户,避免出现虚假信息。在模式上,他们借鉴了Airbnb;在让网站变得更有用方面,学习了旅游搜索Hipmunk;当想到要让网站变得更具沉浸感时,则学习了Pinterest;而为了让整个体验保持简洁风格,他们借鉴了移动支付Square。Your dream office is out there, start searching. We show listings from all brokerages and landlords. All at no cost to you. Don’t worry about searching many platforms. We have them all here.We send people to scout out listings and provide great photography. This way you can get a real feel for what a space is like. We’re constantly refreshing our data, so you have the most updated information.Every company and situation is unique. Customize your search, and find the right location, size, and rate that is best for you.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(72.0%)
2  India(9.7%)
3  Chile(2.2%)

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