基于LBS的移动问答平台 crowdbeacon.com 详细资料

基于LBS的移动问答平台 crowdbeacon.com

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基于LBS的移动问答平台核心是“”应用程序,目前主要面向iPhone用户,致力于通过问答形式让基于地理位置的交流更有价值。毕竟本地人才Zhui了解所在地方饮食、购物、活动、美容等方方面面的问题,很难的是如何吸引用户来参与问答、分享自己的知识和经验,而商家用户则显然希望能通过获得更多用户。用户在使用的时候,与Quora类似,随机地浏览一些问题,特意地提问或去主动地回答。当然为了让这种问答能在一个很好的起点上,融入了多种现有的服务,包括Foursquare上现有的贴士、Yelp上的评论、本地购物搜索 Wishpond上的购物信息等,也就是说当用户问到一个问题的时候,可能立马会获得相应的回答,并理解可以解决这些问题。比如推荐个纽约的音乐酒吧?可能很快就为你提供了来自Yelp上的信息。 is a location-based service focused on providing relevant, localized communication and information to users based on what they need and where they are.Using , you can find what you're looking for -- the best burrito, where to get a dozen roses, the best happy hour nearby -- by getting responses in real-time from the local experts and businesses around them that have what they are looking for. And since sometimes responses aren't enough, integrates the top results from Yelp, Foursquare and Wishpond to help you find what you need!

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