视觉艺术创意设计网 gidmotion.com 详细资料

视觉艺术创意设计网 gidmotion.com

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视觉艺术创意设计网是一个针对网页、品牌、动画、艺术项目为主题的可视化设计站点,来自墨尔本的数字艺术设计师分享他的设计作品,为用户带来超前的艺术想象力。Gabriela Iglesias Dardon is a multidisciplinary visual designer and art director with a passion for collaborating to create top quality work.I'm a perfectionist with a passion for collaborating to create top quality work that stands out in the crowd.I'm a Melbourne based digital art director and designer who has worked on a range of projects across web design, branding, print, motion graphics, installation and video art. I love visualizing concepts from scratch and producing striking visual design solutions to lift messages above the clutter and inspire the imagination.Over the last 5 years I've worked in Melbourne, New York and Madrid where I have collaborated with digital media practitioners, designers, advertising agencies and artists on a rich diversity of projects both big and small.

内容提要:Spotify Year in Music. L’Oréal LMFF. Shine Caresse...


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物理位置:美国 亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市Go Daddy集团公司

1 易测云手机APP测试平台 yiceyun.com

2 Chan4Chan chan4chan.com

3 唯美图片收藏社区 favim.com

4 在线图片外链分享服务网 imgbox.com

5 免费图片托管搜索服务网 pixhost.org

6 视觉广告作品展示社区 visualphotos.com

7 免费高清桌面壁纸 wallpaperama.com

8 IOS系统图标设计欣赏网 iosicongallery.com

9 在线LOGO设计制作服务网 logoyes.com

10 美联社新闻图片官方 apimages.com

11 PS图片找碴挑错网 psdisasters.com

12 蓝心网 lansin.com

13 基于朋友的图片探索工具 60photos.com

14 在线照片编辑制作工具大全 bighugelabs.com

15 ICON图标设计素材网 iconshock.com

16 搞笑图片大全 eatliver.com

17 在线搞笑趣图分享网 thumbpress.com

18 在线照片拼图工具 collage.com

19 图灵社区 ituring.com.cn

20 纽约艺术文化指南杂志 thelmagazine.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 动漫行业新闻资讯网 Animenewsnetwork.com

24 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

25 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

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