美国Pomm水彩画艺术作品网 pommfineart.com 详细资料

美国Pomm水彩画艺术作品网 pommfineart.com

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美国Pomm水彩画艺术作品网是美国水彩大师的个人作品官方网站,展示自己的个人作品和创作心得,她的作为属于唯美艺术类,画家眼中的世界总是如此的美好、温暖、唯美。温馨的小世界,很乡村,很宁静的感觉,仿佛置身在画中的世界。下面是她的个人简介Pomm was born in Los Angeles but was raised by her French mother and grandmother and had a truly bi-cultural upbringing. Her mother, who was born in Paris, read a novel by French authoress Colette in which one of the characters was a little girl named Pomme. She loved the name, which means "apple", and took the "e" off to ensure correct pronunciation.While at college, Pomm moved to France and studied art in Aix-en-Provence. In Europe, Pomm fell in love with the Old World architecture, particularly in the southern regions of France where the sun and flowers inspired her to return again and again.When she returned to America, Pomm made a firm decision to be an artist and attended watercolor classes with Scott Moore in Laguna Beach. She found that she loved the medium. Pomm created and perfected a unique style using only translucent watercolors applied in many layers that allowed her to paint the strong colors, light, and shadows that create the feel of Europe in her paintings. Within each work is Pomm's artist "hidden apple", the artist's signature of authenticity and assurance of her high standards and exceptional quality of art.From late 2003 to present time , Pomm has created a series of oils, to explore the spirit and motion of other artists in the creation of their art.In recent ye

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