儿童趣味教学网 wonderopolis.org 详细资料

儿童趣味教学网 wonderopolis.org

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Wonderpolis是国立家庭读写中心(National Center for Family Literacy)的下属网站,提供每日精选文章。Wonderpolis也是一个主要面向儿童的趣味教学网站,每天一篇文章,满足孩子们(同样跟对各年龄阶段的访客)好奇心的同时,也更好的引导孩子们进行求知及探索的欲望。A word of caution: this website is addictive no matter what age you are. Learning is basically pointless when you don’t care about the material being fed to you, especially if you’re not being graded. Wonderopolis makes you forget learning was ever an ordeal by providing daily “wonders” through videos and easy-to-read stories. These wonders are real questions asked by real kids around the world, and they include interesting thoughts such as, “What Brings a Tear to Your Eye?” and, “How Do Mirrors Work?”


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1  United States(54.4%)
2  India(7.7%)
3  United Kingdom(5.0%)
4  Canada(3.3%)
5  Australia(2.8%)

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