库克食谱画报 cooksillustrated.com 详细资料

库克食谱画报 cooksillustrated.com

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库克食谱画报是一个成立于美国波士顿的美食机构,汇集了32铭全职厨师,他们的使命就是制作Zhui好的食谱通过网络来订制,并不断的推出新菜式,拥有库克美食杂志,获得了不错的评价。通过杂志、DVD菜谱、电视节目、网站等多种宣传方式来分享他们对美食的分享,拥有130万的会员,通过网站可以订阅他们的美食视频教程,同时也分享一些对美食的看法和建议,厨房设备的使用心得等。America's Test Kitchen is a real 2,500 square foot test kitchen located just outside of Boston that is home to more than three dozen full-time cooks and product testers. Our mission is simple: to develop the absolute best recipes for all of your favorite foods. To do this, we test each recipe 30, 40, sometimes as many as 70 times, until we arrive at the combination of ingredients, technique, temperature, cooking time, and equipment that yields the best, most-foolproof recipe.Our recipes, equipment reviews, ingredient taste tests results, and kitchen tips are made available through our magazines, our websites, our television series; America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Country from America's Test Kitchen, and our cookbooks.

Offers a particular focus on the techniques of home cooking for those interested in sensible, flavorful American food. Each issue includes step-by-step illustrated cooking techniques, product and wine tastings, equipment testing, and cookbook reviews.


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1  United States(88.3%)
2  Canada(2.9%)
3  India(1.5%)
4  France(1.2%)
5  Colombia(0.8%)

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网站常用标签 america's test kitchen best cast iron skillet cooks best rice cooker cooks illustrated

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9 Betty Crocker bettycrocker.com

10 Food & Wine Online foodandwine.com

11 好胃口美食杂志 bonappetit.com

12 美国美食菜谱门户网 epicurious.com

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14 food.com food.com

15 美国十全菜谱网 allrecipes.com

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17 eCoustics.com ecoustics.com

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