女性成功故事新闻网 makers.com 详细资料

女性成功故事新闻网 makers.com

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女性成功故事新闻网是一个以女性解放为主题的站点,展示了数以千计的女性成功的故事,女性活跃在世界各个行业中,不乏有成功的故事,展示成功女性的幕后故事,提供女性人权在社会中举足轻重的地位。随着科技的发展社会的不断进步,女性用户活跃在社会中的各个层面,从总理到战地记者,从法官到默默无闻的教师,不管在那个行业都有兢兢业业默默付出的女性用户,她们的成功故事帮助那些没有摆脱历史原因的女性用户正视自己的人生观。MAKERS.com is a dynamic digital platform showcasing thousands of compelling stories - both known and unknown - from trailblazing women of today and tomorrow. This historic video initiative was founded by Dyllan McGee and developed by AOL and PBS. Executive Producers are Dyllan McGee, Betsy West, and Peter Kunhardt.MAKERS: Women Who Make America is an ongoing initiative that aims to be the largest and most dynamic collection of women's stories ever assembled. Selections of MAKERS are made twice a year by our filmmaking team using guidelines set by our board of advisors.This process ensures that the make-up of the library of stories includes women from all walks of life with diverse experiences and perspectives.Women in the 'Groundbreakers' category were chosen by the production team based on criteria defined by a team of advisors and include women who are firsts in their fields, visionary role models or frontline activists who sparked, and some who opposed, change for women.

Digital platform showcasing thousands of compelling stories from trailblazing women of today and tomorrow.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(46.1%)
2  United Kingdom(9.0%)
3  Germany(6.1%)
4  India(4.5%)
5  Canada(3.9%)

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