美国博琵种子邮购平台 burpee.com 详细资料

美国博琵种子邮购平台 burpee.com

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美国博琵种子邮购平台是一个致力于植物种子开发、培养、销售于一体的农业公司,创于1876年,迄今已有一百多年的历史;Burpee公司零售分布网络Zhui广,产品优良,提供的都是有机和传统种子,因此深受消费者欢迎。For millions of Americans, weary of long winters, nothing signals spring like the arrival of their Annual Burpee Catalog in the mailbox. Turning page after page and seeing the brilliant colors of vegetables and plants, perennials and annuals, awakens the imagination as loyal customers begin to plan the contents of their garden each spring. And even though the catalog itself has been a perennial favorite, the reader still does not know the ending of the story. This is because Burpee’s highly recognized horticulturists have been continuously bringing innovation to the seed market since 1881.Did you know that Burpee Seed Company was the first catalog in the world to offer yellow seed corn? Burpee also introduced a new cabbage variety called Surehead and an improved carrot called Long Orange. Our most recent innovations include the seedless tomato and the “Snackpack” watermelon- a personal-size healthful treat that will bring a smile to any face.Burpee seeds and plants are available for all growing zones and for all seasons and Burpee guarantees each and every products. In order to keep pace with the changing times, Burpee’s highly recognized catalog can now also be viewed online. Burpee.com can be used as a one-stop-shop for gardening techniques, recipes, FAQs, etc.Through good times and bad, great depression and world wars, Burpee ha

Vegetable and flower seeds.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(71.3%)
2  Papua New Guinea(4.3%)
3  India(3.4%)
4  Italy(2.6%)
5  Canada(1.9%)

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网站常用标签 burpee vegetables perennials perennial flowers perennial

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 弗吉尼亚州

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