The Cathedral Church of St. Paul The Cathedral Church of St. Paul  详细信息
位置:美国>密歇根州>底特律景点>> 热度(515)     评分(4)

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul The Cathedral Church of St. Paul

 The Cathedral Church of St. Paul  The Cathedral Church of St. Paul   -0


提示:地址:4800 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48201
电话: +(1)313-831-5000

星期日 上午7点00分 - 下午2点00分 星期一 - 星期五 上午9点00分 - 下午5点00分


1 William Hickling Prescott House William Hickling Prescott House (429)

2 Ed Paschke Art Center Ed Paschke Art Center (413)

3 Bartholdi Park Bartholdi Park (396)

4 Our Lady of the Rosary Church Our Lady of the Rosary Church (455)

5 Cathedral of the Holy Cross Cathedral of the Holy Cross (459)

6 College Football Hall of Fame College Football Hall of Fame (413)

7 History House of Greater Seattle History House of Greater Seattle (396)

8 Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion (382)

9 Delta Flight Museum Delta Flight Museum (398)

10 Robert Morris Statue Robert Morris Statue (383)

11 Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Epiphany Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Epiphany (404)

12 First San Diego Courthouse First San Diego Courthouse (420)

13 Gesu Catholic Church Gesu Catholic Church (434)

14 Northwest African American Museum Northwest African American Museum (431)

15 Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania (407)

16 Benjamin Rush Garden Benjamin Rush Garden (372)

17 Millennium Gate Museum Millennium Gate Museum (432)

18 The Homecoming Statue The Homecoming Statue (369)

19 18th Century Garden of the Independence National Historic Park 18th Century Garden of the Independence National Historic Park (382)

20 Mercy Corps Action Center Mercy Corps Action Center (417)

21 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial (427)

22 Wangari Garden Wangari Garden (415)

23 Washington Baha'i History Museum Washington Baha'i History Museum (412)

24 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church (426)

25 温菲尔德·斯科特·汉考克雕像 Major General Winfield Scott Hancock Statue (405)

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