1 Denver Firefighters Museum Denver Firefighters Museum (427)
2 雕塑公园 Sculpture Garden (385)
3 福克斯剧院 Fox Theatre (365)
4 Boston Common Visitor Center Boston Common Visitor Center (352)
5 菲利浦斯球馆 Philips Arena (379)
6 Lakeside Amusement Park Lakeside Amusement Park (367)
7 圣地牙哥人类学博物馆 San Diego Museum of Man (404)
8 The Portland Building The Portland Building (431)
9 亚特兰大植物园 Atlanta Botanical Garden (370)
10 Heritage Park Victorian Village Heritage Park Victorian Village (378)
11 Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum (359)
12 防御山头碉堡 Breed's Hill (356)
13 爱因斯坦天文馆 Einstein Planetarium (427)
14 圣地亚哥古城历史公园 Old Town San Diego State Historic Park (384)
15 查尔斯顿海军造船厂 Charlestown Navy Yard (343)
16 贝尔蒙特公园 Belmont Park (407)
17 沃伦堡 Fort Warren (396)
18 George's Island George's Island (359)
19 自由钟中心 Liberty Bell Center (386)
20 乔治亚巨蛋 Georgia Dome (402)
21 波士顿灯塔 Boston Light (364)
22 Black American West Museum Black American West Museum (371)
23 Arsenal Arsenal (373)
24 特纳球场 Turner Field (341)
25 National Park Service Visitor Center National Park Service Visitor Center (386)